Use these templates to recreate the evaluation and storytelling activities that you may have been introduced to during Visual Insights Courses.
When someone says evaluation... flashcards
When introducing an evaluation or evaluative thinking to a new group, it can be helpful to first find out what they think about evaluation first.
This template includes cards to hand out for an activity of evaluation "word-association".
stakeholder listing
Identifying and considering the needs of your evaluation users and stakeholders can maximise the evaluation use. This also assists in the planning of how you engage and communicate with evaluation users and stakeholders.
Use the 'Evaluation User identification table' template at any time in your evaluation to strengthen and strategise your engagement with stakeholders.

theory of change checklist
Once a program team has developed an initial draft theory of change, it is easy to get stuck on how to further improve the model for evaluation.
We developed this template to guide our clients in furthering the development of their program theory of change models and to increase the usefulness of the model for evaluation.

A major contributor to reports being difficult to understand and effectively used, is clutter. Clutter is information that is not central to the report's key messages.
This template provides a way of clarifying the main message and actions of the report.
Using it will help guide you in deleting distracting superfluous information and at the same time ensure you have the depth of information required to support the main evaluation findings.

focus reporting template
A helpful reporting template and a companion to the "sharpening report focus" template. It is suggested that this is used alongside evaluation planning, implementation and analysis. It is designed to help you keep focused on evaluation users, the key messages of the evaluation, and the use of the evaluation findings or planned actions.
It is suggested that you use this "Focus Reporting" template first and then the "Sharpening Report Focus" template after you have a first draft of your evaluation report.

empathy map
The empathy map is a helpful tool for starting to focus on and understand evaluation stakeholders and users.
Through Visual Insights' training on users and use and participant-centered evaluation, we provide step-by-step instruction on how to incorporate empathy mapping into evaluation planning, implementation, and reporting.

Interview Transcript
Transcribing the interview gives the interviewer the opportunity to revisit the information and listen to the answers again without the concerns of the complex interviewing environment.
This template provides a brief list of question to consider about the interview, pointers for transcribing the interview and an area for the transcription.

Story Method
Story method is a form of qualitative evaluation, usually based on interviews, group discussions and participant-observation. It can be a be brief narrative account of someone’s experience with a program, event or activity that is collected using sound research methods.
This template will assist you in planning the use of story method for your evaluation.

Storyboards are the road map to your story. They are help with planning your story, communicating your story and will save time and money when making your story!
Use this template to plan what happens in your story and how it unfolds.